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Learning Pads in the early years for
Digital Equity, Inclusion and Literacy

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Arizona has a 60% failure rate.

  • Nationally only 32% of the 4th graders are proficient in reading.


  • The pandemic erased two decades of progress in math and reading.


  • Learner's inconsistency is the root cause of student failures.


  • Each child requires their own unique learning path adaptable to their needs.

21th Century Education For Our Future


Every $100 Creates Success
For A Child



Smart Class Learning Pads
give children the opportunity to self-educate in their early years

by the people of Arizona


​ The education system skidded to a halt during the pandemic. Education was at a standstill in Arizona, exposing significant gaps. We realized more than ever the need for a less flawed new teaching model. It has become imperative to adopt technology, while many educational institutes have wanted to silence the use of technology.

  • Propelling the desire to learn using advanced technology in a fun way.

  • Enable students to learn English and Math by second grade.

  • Develop creative minds - paramount for America’s survival and prosperity.

  • Support for teachers.



We must transform schools with technology, making children ready for their future. Smart classrooms offer a vision where students will be trained in active learning. Innovative, engaging technology allows students to develop skills undiscovered in the traditional system. Critical thinking and problem-solving are the skills required by employers. Smart class technology helps to identify these skills through collaborative learning and allows students to learn at their own pace and become more confident and successful.

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"Children learn as they play.
  Most importantly, in play,
  children learn 
how to learn."

​O. Fred Donaldson

Builds Confidence

Learn at their own pace

Develops Critical thinking

Learn to self-educate while having fun

Learning English in the very early years creates success

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Our goal is to have all students proficient
in English and basic Math by the 2nd grade.

Kids should have access to improved education and increased iPad integration in the classroom

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  • Using the child learning pad technology to enhance learning rather than replace traditional methods gives students the needed one on one in the classroom while encouraging learning exploration on their own.  This common sense approach will allow our kids to not only catch up from the Covid-19 lockdown but will actually propel Arizona education to lead the nation!


  • This learning initiative will accelerate education for all children,  especially underprivileged and Spanish-speaking students. Approximately 45%  of students will fall behind without a supporting learning program applied in their primary years.


  • This support program will assist teachers by encouraging children to learn English and Math with Visuals and entertaining stories, which makes learning fun.


  • A learning tablet will be provided for each child with educational apps which can be shared at home for family learning.

Meet the Team

Business, Technology, Engineering Consulting

Public Speaking
Education & Training
Critical Thinking & Root Cause Analysis

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“After decades of throwing money at the problem and watching it get worse, this takes education out of the hands of politicians and literally puts it in the hands of the students.”

Royce Flora, former Maricopa Treasurer

Comment by Mark J Dannels,
Sheriff, Cochise County, AZ

 "As a public servant of the people, I embrace outreach programs that directly impact our youth. Providing educational confidence like programs of this nature promotes self-courage, character, and commitment to succeed in today’s complexities.  An educational investment in our youth is a priceless investment in one’s future.”  

Join The Movement
Every $100 Creates
Success for a Child

-What People Are Saying-

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“After decades of throwing money at the problem and watching it get worse, this takes education out of the hands of politicians and literally puts it in the hands of the students.”

Royce Flora, former Maricopa Treasurer

Our Vision

In alliance with people of Arizona, parents, teachers, leaders, and corporations, we will help children learn strong reading and math skills. Using advanced computer tablet technology starting at preschool and kindergarten, Arizona children will get a head start to help them reach their maximum potential. With an incredible learning curriculum, these fun exciting tablets will help kids further open their minds and creativity.

Our Mission

We plan to implement pilot studies to demonstrate an increase in learning capacity among students provided with these fun, innovative learning pads. As results are gathered, the program will be expanded to all students in Arizona.

Navajo Nation Receives Learning Pads from SmartClassArizona and asks, "Why didn't we get them sooner?"

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